What character will you embody with your next project? Are you a GREEN GODDESS, taking care of your health and making sure you consume a balanced yarn-diet. Perhaps you're more inclined to be a YARN ARTIST, drawing inspiration from the rich hues and textures bestowed by Mother Nature. Or consider embracing the essence of a MOTHER OF PEARLS, nurturing, and polishing your skills and projects to perfection. And for those captivated by a spectrum of colors, you can always unleash your inner RAINBOW COLLECTOR and take your crafting for a ride across all colors of the rainbow…
A world of knitting and crochet awaits you in these pages, inviting you with every stitch to create the vibrant tapestry of your creative expression!

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Nordic Yarndesign
Unsere eigene Produktion findet nach wie vor ausschließlich in unserer Werkstatt in Kappeln an der schönen Schlei/Ostsee statt, in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Hauptgeschäft. Geübte Hände fertigen bei uns seit jeher jeden einzelnen Bobbel mit viel Liebe und Herzblut.