How can I order?

How can I order?

1. Shopping cart

You can select your item via the category; you will find the selection in the drop-down menu (open with the right arrow). You select your favorite item and put it in the shopping cart.

2. Cash register

Please log in with your email address and password if you already have a customer account. Customer accounts from the previous shop (up to 4/22) could not be transferred. You are welcome to create a new account. If you have any questions about your account from the previous shop, please send us an email.

If you do not have a customer account yet, you can register or order as a guest without a customer account.

Your data will be collected, processed and used in compliance with data protection regulations ( privacy policy ). It will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties. If you are already registered, you can now select the shipping method.

If you order as a guest or do not log into your customer account, your order will NOT appear in your customer account.

3. Check billing address / select payment method

Now you can check your billing address again

4. Check shipping address / select shipping method

Is everything correct? Is the house number and postcode correct? Check again carefully, your package should arrive at your home. Unfortunately, DHL also accepts incorrect house numbers, so it's better to check again.

5. Complete the order process / Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy / Delivery time

Now you should read the terms and conditions and the cancellation policy, and you should also be aware of our delivery times. If everything is OK, click on the "Buy now" button and your order will be delivered to us in Kappeln.

If you have selected a payment service (Paypal, Klarna etc.) you will now be redirected to this page and can select your payment method.

If you have selected advance payment / bank transfer, you can now make the transfer at your bank or in your online account.

Now it will only take a few days and you can receive your package.

Right of Withdrawal

All information on the right of withdrawal