Our history

How it all began.....

2003 on the Baltic coast:

A mother, three small children, torn trousers, broken rubber boots and the constant desire for the next ice cream ;)

Money was tight, finding a job that was compatible with a one-parent family? Impossible!

Yes and suddenly there was the wool, did it find me or did I find it?

I made it in the living room, the first girlfriend thought it was great, the second and third came later, the idea of ​​earning money came naturally.

So I set up a small workspace in the basement and changed diapers when the children were at kindergarten.

For several years I sold my wool at craft markets, and my children were often there with me.

Sometimes they sat under the wool tables and entertained customers, set up the tent or stacked boxes.

The demand on the markets was great and so in 2007 the online shop followed and then the name 100Farbspiele.

In 2009, a small shop (12 square meters) was found on a farm in Schönhagen, just a few meters from our home. Unfortunately, the property was sold and my wool needed a new home.

Then everything picked up speed very quickly, we were now a patchwork family with a husband, 6 children, a dog and the first larger store in Kappeln.

“I” became “we” and the first employees joined.

In 2013 I saw the beautiful pink house right in Kappeln's pedestrian zone, and we moved in with the workshop. It quickly became too cramped there and in 2014 the small workshop at the back became a shop and the workshop moved to its own premises, 200m away in the Jöns-Hof-Passage.

It is still like this today.

Two more stores were added later.

2019 Eckernfoerde

2021 Schleswig (now closed)

Yes, and the kids have grown up and left the nest alongside and with the wool; my/our wool will soon be celebrating its 20th birthday.

Gradients and bright colors have always fascinated me. A flower, a play of clouds in the sky, beach, sea, like a painter paints a picture, I "paint" the wool, that's how the name

100Color games

which is now a registered trademark.